5th grade list
Please label items with student name unless otherwise noted.
5th grade list
Please label items with
student name unless
otherwise noted.
5th grade supply list
PDF of 2024-2025 school supply list
Shared class items (please do NOT label these items)
- 1 large box of tissues
- 1 pkg of Clorox wipes last name (last names A-M only)
- 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (last names N-Z only)
- 1 box of 24, #2 pencils sharpened
- 4 Expo dry erase markers
Personal items (Please label each personal item with child’s name)
- Black or blue ink pens
- #2 mechanical pencils (optional)
- 1 pkg. of notebook paper
- 1 pkg. pencil top erasers (optional)
- 1 pencil box
- Scissors (optional)
- 1 pkg. coloring pencils
- Small, inexpensive Bible
- Calculator
- 2 single subject notebooks
- 2 pocket folders
- Water Bottle