Title IX Letter

Partner with us for a positive experience for the whole family.

Title IX Letter

Partner with us for a
positive experience for
the whole family.

Dear Parents,

In compliance with Title IX regulations, we are writing to provide information and education about Title IX – what it is, how it protects your child, and what our obligations are to our student body. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities in federally funded schools at all levels. Title IX protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination.

The following information is provided in accordance with these regulations and seeks to identify the school’s obligations to our students, provide information on student’s rights and outline the complaint process.

1. Notice of Non-Discrimination

Aldersgate Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status, genetic information, or political affiliation in the provision of educational opportunities, programs, and activities, or employment opportunities and benefits, pursuant to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments to that act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and subsequent reauthorization of that act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and subsequent amendments to that act.

Direct questions regarding ADA to:

Office of Academic Affairs

1810 Young St.

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Phone: 513-721-7944

Email: vpsec@gbs.edu.

Direct questions regarding Title IX to:

Title IX Coordinator: Cheryl Watters

Location: Administration Building, 2nd floor, Advancement wing

Office Hours: M-F, 8:00am – 5:00pm

Phone: 513-763-6648

Email: cwatters@gbs.edu

2. Title IX Policy

This policy not only delineates what and who is covered under Title IX Regulations but also provides the complaint process, investigation and resolution procedures, statements of confidentiality and non-retaliation, and list of student’s rights.

3. Title IX Coordinator

A Title IX Coordinator is expected to play a critical role in helping a school ensure that every person – faculty, staff, and students – is aware of their legal rights under Title IX, and that the school, through its policies, procedures, and practices, complies with its legal obligations under Title IX. Aldersgate Christian Academy’s Title IX Coordinator is Cheryl Watters. Her contact information is provided below.

Title IX Coordinator: Cheryl Watters

Location: Administration Building, 2nd floor, Advancement wing

Office Hours: M-F, 8:00am – 5:00pm

Phone: 513-763-6648

Email: cwatters@gbs.edu

4. Title IX Training

Title IX Training sessions are scheduled for all middle and high school students at the start of the school year. The 5th -8th grade session is scheduled for Thursday, November 12 at 9:00am. The 9th -12th grade session is scheduled for Monday, November 16th at 11:00am. In this training, we will be discussing the implications of these Title IX regulations on the conversation and behavior of our student body. This training will also educate the students on how to file a complaint, who the Title IX Coordinator is, and what their rights are as related to Title IX.

While we hope to be able to train all students, parents/guardians do have the option to exclude your child/children from this training. If you choose to exclude your child from training, we will need two things:

  1. written notice that your child/children cannot attend the training, and
  2. written confirmation that you have received and are responsible to inform your child about the contents of our Title IX Policy.

If you would like to be present during the training, all parents/guardians are welcome to attend these sessions.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information provided in this letter or the attached policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Timothy Makcen

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Since 1914 our educational heritage has been a warm, welcoming atmosphere of learning, friendship and spiritual integrity.

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